The Editors Network seeks to bring together editors of Latin American scientific journals and blogs in the area of the social sciences of Religion. Its creation was based on the experiences of the 1st and 2nd Editors' Forum, held during the Conference on Religious Alternatives in Latin America of 2018 and 2022, held respectively in Santiago, Chile, and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

The Network's initiative aims to organize meetings and publications regarding the publishing work done in the region, identifying areas of debate and strategies for collaboration in addressing the challenges surrounding the publishing of scientific work. Among the topics of interest of the Network are: a) the theme of internationalization and the circulation of scientific publications in the area in Latin America, beyond their national contexts; b) indexing policies and funding strategies; c) visibility and strategies of dissemination of publications; d) the daily challenges in the editorial work.

The Editors Network brings together researchers who edit the following Latin American journals and blogs.